
Healthy Lifestyle And Life Insurance Benefits 2025

Elaine Brookes Steve Case

Author: Steve Case - Insurance Expert

Reviewed & Fact Checked By: Elaine Brookes

Updated: 3rd January 2025

how health and lifestyle affects life insurance

If you’re considering getting life insurance, it’s important to know that your health and lifestyle can impact your ability to get cover.

Does my health status influence my life insurance options?

In this guide, we’ll discuss what medical conditions and lifestyle choices may affect life insurance policies, why it’s important to keep your life insurance company updated on any changes in your health, and whether or not you need a health check for life insurance.

Some life insurance companies require applicants to complete a health questionnaire or undergo a medical examination.

This will most likely happen when the policy features a critical illness benefit. The insurance application may stipulate that the applicant must be in good health.

Certain health conditions and lifestyle choices often result in difficulty obtaining coverage or may increase premiums dramatically.

Medical Conditions That Can Affect Life Insurance

Your medical history is one of the key factors insurers will consider when determining whether they can offer you cover. Certain pre-existing medical conditions may mean you are considered a slightly higher risk to insure or might be charged more for coverage.

These conditions could include cancer, heart disease, diabetes or even mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. It is important to disclose any pre-existing conditions when applying for life insurance so the insurer can properly assess how much risk you pose

Others typically include:

  • Certain high-risk hobbies or jobs
  • Smoking
  • Heavy drinking (more than 21 units weekly for women or 28 units weekly for men)
  • Health conditions like cancer, hypertension, diabetes, clinical obesity, certain disabilities, and heart defects

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what is lifestyle life insurance?

What is the common definition of good health?

To be declared in good health, an individual usually does not take the prescription medication regularly, except for minor medications like hay fever. The individual has not been absent from work due to sickness for more than two weeks during the most recent 12 months.

The person does not have mobility issues and is considered reasonably physically fit.

Good health does not equate to being teetotal or a super-fit individual. Life insurance companies know that few people are completely free of health issues and deal with customers with different health statuses.

Lifestyle Choices That Can Affect Life Insurance

Insurers also consider other lifestyle choices that may affect the risk of insuring someone.

This could include smoking or using tobacco products, drinking alcohol excessively and taking part in dangerous activities like skydiving or rock climbing without having the correct safety equipment or training.

Not disclosing these activities when applying for life insurance could result in a claim being rejected if something happens while participating in them.

The tables below focus on how various lifestyle choices can impact life insurance policies, premiums, and coverage options, aiming to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject.

Lifestyle ChoicePotential Impact on PremiumsExplanation
SmokingIncreaseSmokers are at a higher risk of health issues, leading to higher premiums.
Alcohol ConsumptionIncrease or Special TermsExcessive drinking can lead to health risks, affecting premiums and policy terms.
High-Risk HobbiesIncrease or ExclusionActivities like skydiving may lead to higher premiums or exclusions in coverage.
Diet and ExerciseDecreaseA healthy lifestyle can lead to lower premiums due to reduced health risks.
Coverage OptionDescriptionLifestyle Consideration
Term Life InsuranceFixed coverage for a specified term.It may require lifestyle adjustments for better rates.
Whole Life InsurancePermanent coverage with a cash value component.Lifestyle can impact cash value growth and premiums.
Critical Illness CoverProvides a lump sum on diagnosis of certain illnesses.Healthy lifestyle choices can potentially lower premiums.
Income ProtectionReplaces income during illness or injury.Active and healthy lifestyles may favour better terms.
Health ConditionImpact on EligibilityNotes
Heart DiseasePotential RestrictionsMay require detailed medical history and lifestyle changes.
DiabetesCase-by-Case BasisControlled diabetes through lifestyle may improve terms.
CancerSpecial Terms or DeclineDepends on cancer type, stage, and lifestyle factors.
ObesityIncreased PremiumsWeight management through lifestyle can positively affect rates.
Lifestyle ChangePolicy Adjustment NeededReason
Quitting SmokingYesThis can lead to significantly lower premiums.
Starting a High-Risk HobbyYesIt may require additional coverage or exclusions.
Significant Weight LossYesCould qualify for lower premiums due to improved health.
Alcohol Consumption ReductionPotentiallyIt may affect premiums if initial consumption is declared high.

Do You Need To Tell Your Insurer If Your Health Changes?

It is important to keep your life insurance company up-to-date on any changes in your health after taking out a policy so they can adjust their risk assessment accordingly.

This could include anything from a new diagnosis of a serious condition such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease to something more minor like an increase in blood pressure readings since taking out the policy.

Failure to inform them of these changes could result in rejected claims should something happen.

Does UK Life Insurance Cover Private Health Care?

The cover offered by UK life insurance companies can vary greatly. However, most UK life insurance policies generally do not include coverage for private health care.

Therefore, it is important to read through the terms and conditions of any policy carefully to determine if it does or does not include such coverage.

Health Lifestyle And Life Insurance Conclusion

Life insurers consider many factors when deciding if they can provide coverage and how much it will cost–from pre-existing medical conditions to lifestyle choices like smoking or excessive drinking.

It’s also important to be upfront about these things during the application process and keep them updated on any changes afterwards.

Knowing what affects life insurance policies can help ensure you get the best possible cover at an affordable price.

Linking Health and Preparedness

Leading a healthy lifestyle and choosing life insurance are both ways of making sweet lemonade from life’s bitter lemons, ensuring that you’re ready to face the future with confidence and vitality.

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